Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Desaroo!

Our sweet, funny, not-so-little girl turned 3 last week (2/20)! Unfortunately, we were all demolished by the flu and completely out of commission the whole week. On Saturday we were finally able to sit up at the table and have a little celebration! We are still moving slowly and sleeping a lot...this one was a doozy!
In spite of recent illness, Desi makes sure her animals are dressed to the nines...especially Cleo (a present from Grandma and Grandpa). The girl has style!


Amy Wise said...

Happy late birthday Desi!! I laughed so hard when I saw the pic of Desi with the food on her face..we have one exactly like that of Tatiana the day of your birthday Rhea in '95. Time flies!

Hugs to all of you!

Love Jamie, Amy and Tat

ma otter said...

sweet face on that cute girl! I love the age THREE! Happy b-day Desi!
(we call Mac "Macaroo" sometimes too!)
love to all
annie and kids

ezalter said...

Desi Sweetie Pie!!!!! Happy, Happy Birthday. I hope you had a great day!! Did you get any new socks?

Love, Evan.